Tuesday, October 20, 2009
praying 4 u..
arini.. ILI kne oprate.. aku smpi skola srious xigt lgsg.. plik ar npe dier xdtg.. pastuh rupernyer dier kat spitall.. aku msej mak dier td.. katenye kat dlm blik bedah ag.. xper ar.. dier ok tuh.. aku knal ILI.. dier strong.. ape2 un kwan.. aku doakn ko OK n cepat smboh.. always be strong like u always do.. smue nih ader hikmah.. dun worry.. sayang ILI.. get well soonnnn..
Friday, October 16, 2009
touching jap.. hehe..
A Sad Love Story
by Unknown
If this doesn't touch you ..... get a heart!
One night a guy and girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on.A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket and passed her a folded note. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out and read it." Without your love, I would die."
A Sad Love Story
by Unknown
If this doesn't touch you ..... get a heart!
One night a guy and girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on.A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket and passed her a folded note. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out and read it." Without your love, I would die."
Monday, October 12, 2009
umah BEJAH..
3rd day UKM lpas abess smue uh.. ktaorg(f'9) nk gerak gi umah bejah.. mule2 aku xnk gi tp bejah pakse gak smpi offer mak dier nk tlong anta ag.. pnye la smangat.. aku taw dier rindu aku.. kn bejah kn??.. ahahaha.. nek bas tgk wani,ili, shera xikot.. plik ar gak.. pastuh ktaorg bia jer.. jlan la 4 org.. aku,anis,pka n wana.. pnye la pnat.. dh la pnas terikk.. smpi2 tgk bdak 3ekor tuh ader dh kat situ.. bengang jer..
smpi2 lepak2 kacau2 acin pastuh mkan.. mule2 mkan cendol pastuh melantak mkan spaghetti.. smue attack bnde tuh jer.. lodeh xder sape nk usik.. smue k'bulur time tuh.. rmi gak ar tmbah 2 kli.. abes spaghetti bejah PAKSE mkan kuah kacang die tuh.. smue pon dgn paksenye mkan jer la.. sumbat2.. hahaha.. pastuh ktaorg(bejah) bsoh pggan n yg len tgk kucing.. abes tuh gosip time!!! amek2 gmbr n then balik.. mak bejah nta.. smpi umah aku.. aku tkan locng nenek aku bole plak xnk bkak.. dier igt aku nk rompak ke.. hahaha.. tuh jer la.. best gak ar lepak.. lme xlepak smue FREAKIN'9..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
mse raye arituh gue gi melaka dgn family.. pastuh ader plak sumber mngatakan bhawa turtle yg d'jual dgn harga rm2:50 di sana.. d'sbbkn tlah mnggu slame 2thn utk memilikinya sye pon memjuk prent utk m'mblinya.. stlah pergi ke kedai t'sbot.. harga sbnar adlah rm6.. still murah an.. dowg un bli jer utk aku.. waaaaa... the happiest day of my life.. mlgnye lpas tuh ader lg 3
umah.. slame uh turtle dok la dlm kete.. sian giler.. umah last bru bwk dier kuar..
sekor uh xreti dok diam n xske biler org angkat dier.. yg sekor ag diam sgt n biler org angkat die msok dlm.. comeyhhh gilerr.. skrg dh bli tmpt smue. complete set ar.. btw turtle t'sbot tiada nme.. sbb nnti tkot die xstuju.. hahaha.. tuh jer..
Saturday, October 10, 2009
aku lmbt giler yer.. dh nk msok raye haji dh un.. xper ar.. aku nk citer gakk.. puase xder pape sgt.. cuti 8 ari jer.. hehe.. raye plak cam byase.. mkan ketupat, minta maap, nanges2, duit raye, happy.. dh abes citer..
raye 1st n 2nd blah mak kat JB, 3rd blah ayh kat sluruh Johor.. ckp jer katne.. smue ader.. tuh jer.. daaa... gmbr sikit jer la.. mlas nk tggu upload..
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