*xmalu minx org wish get well soon* hahaha
Saturday, October 16, 2010
This week..
aku gi skola 2ari jer.. elok la dr yg xdtg smiggu an.. senin mmg kne cuti, slase dtg.. rbu n khamis sakit.. jumaat bru dtg blik.. sucks being sick u kno.. slsema n btok jer but still la.. annoying.. nih pown xbaek ag.. aduhh.. aku dh la jnis antibodi kuat.. tetiber kne ski plak.. xcaye!! hahaha.. xper.. dugaan.. DIA syg kat aku! :D doakn aku cpat smboh k guys..
Monday, October 11, 2010
yea yea!!
esk cuti lg!!! dh 4 ari straight cuti.. best nyerr.. bru abes trial dh dpt cuti.. klu abes SPM cuti skola pnjang giler!! mmg nice sgt la tuh..
Sunday, October 10, 2010
hhmmmmmm.. let see.. 4 me.. raye taun nih agk kurang ar.. bkan sbb trial or what so ever.. ntah ar.. the feeling wasn't there.. cm xbest, xder mood rayer uh.. blik johor un bosan.. mak tok sakit, so raye len.. duit raye sbnrnyer xkesah sgt.. smgat raye tuh xder..
hah!! nk citer.. aritu aku ader bwat open house.. kecik2 jer.. so, xleh la ajk the whole school an.. ajk yg pnting2 jer la.. pttnyer ajk f'9 ++ but tkot ader yg kecik ati.. aku ajk la smue dak pmpuan klas aku gak.. but SADLY!!! not 1 of them showed up.. SERIOUSLY?????!!!! it HURTSS.. lg2 biler tgk pic2 open house org len, rmi jer yg muncul.. nmpk cm "ktaorg rpt dgn die dr ko".. when smething like this happened.. rse cam don't have any friends.. i really thought i have plenty of friends.. i guess i was wrong.. yg bwat aku lg pissed off biler gi skola esknyer org tnyer "fairuz, spe yg gi open house ko??".. NO ONE!!! ader yg pegi umah dkat dgn umah aku tp xder niat nk singgah raye pown.. i'm not gonna lie.. aku xpegi open house org len slah 1 sbb nih la.. aku pkir aku pegi ke x bkannyer ader beza an.. most yg pegi xder tnyer pown.. men bla jer.. tgk2 ader gmbr kat fb.. nice.. mmg aku suke.. xsngke bnde sekecik nih pown bole bwat aku nanges.. haihh.. have 2 find new friends i guess..
taun nih pown xder raye rmi2 dh.. dh nk abes la byk hal.. lg pown.. byk tmpt, parents aku xnk anta.. lg ar bengang.. buka pose un smue xdpt pegi.. org len nk gi mane2 bole plak.. naseb ko la fairuz..
p/s : if u treat people nicely, it doesn't mean they will do the same to you..

tyme raye 16 sept aritu.. dorg bwat besday mak tok.. tp k.qistina ilang.. ropenyer msok spital.. time smue dh blik, mak ngah kol.. dier kater k.qistina dh dpt BABY GIRL.. t'kejot berok aku jap.. excited giler.. hehe.. her name is NORIZZ QAISARAH.. nickname dier FAIRUZ.. haha..
info : cicit tok ayah yg ke 4.. cucu yg ke 1st utk mak ngah.. ank sedara yg ke 4.. taun nih jer ader 3.. msty tok ayh senyumm jer.. :D
CONGRATS 2 my wonderful cousin, Zati Qistina Nasaruddin and Ridzuan!! love u!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
2nd besday kat JOHOR.. kbetulan weekend tuh nk blik johor.. ape ag an.. adiah xder.. dpt duit.. masyuuukkkk giler bulan tuh.. hahaha.. btw thanks smue yg wish eh.. hehe :D
dh lme giler xupdate blog!!! bce org pnyer pown dh ssah.. nih smue FACEBOOK pnyer psl.. bkan SPM eh.. haha.. aper ek yg aku dh bwat.. jom list..
~trial SPM
~lesen 'L'
laaaaa... tuh jer???? aduhh.. rse cm byk.. haihhh.. byk bwat activity dlm mimpi kowt.. tuh yg rse pnat uh.. hehe.. or mybe aku ader short term memory.. byk bnde xigt kowt.. hhmmmm..
btw korg taw x blan nih ader 5 weekends!! ssah taw x nk jdik.. bpe ratus taun skali jer.. I love WEEKENDS!! sbb bole tidoo lme2!!! YEAHHH OCTOBER!! i love u!! :D
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