hmmmmmmm.. that day turn out to be 1 of the worst day.. :(
the worst thing is, i cried in front of every1.. embarrassing.. wth.. smue tuh dh lpas.. life goes on.. i got only 6 credits.. all science subjek, HANCOR!!!!!.. niceeee laaaa.. nk bwat cmne kan... haihhhh.. since then, aku dh xkesah sgt psal result.. aku pikir ape nk bwat pasni..

igt nk amek SC computer but since i hate the word SCIENCE so baddd, xjdik laaaa.. lol.. no laa.. memule mmg nk amek tuh or business IT.. after talked to my parents, saye FAIRUZ DIYANA ZULKIFLI, memilihhhh business IT.. yeahhh!!! tp tuh pown klu dpt la.. result trok kan.. mne bole ske2 pilih jer.. huhu.. xper2.. esk nk gi mines.. nk tgk smue course yg aku bole amek.. spe nk ikowt esk, jom ar!!!! :D
x nak ikot..
ReplyDeletetp da jmpe ko kat sne ;)
pnye la lme x jmpe...
smlm bru jmpe :)
spe sngke kan??
ReplyDeletekannn.. dh lme giler xjmpe..
tp dpt amek gmbr ckup ar.. hahaha
aku nk lepak tp aku dtg dgn parents so, sorry jer la.. :D