DA BEST!!! TIP TOP!! AWESOME!!! rugi klu xpegi.. seriously.. u will remember it for the rest of your life.. drama plak.. padahal bru 2 ari orientation abes.. hehe.. :D but i'm not lying, orientation week ROCKS!! smue OC'S and DM'S best giler.. dorg smue senior but treat us like family.. klu kat luar an senior an cam like prasan hebat sket.. dorg x.. sape yg cakap xbest tuh mmg LIAR ar!! or mybe dorg register lmbt.. :) pape pown.. thanks to all the OC's and DM's for making it work.. i know u guys stayed up all night and slept for an hour a day.. really2 appreciate it.. again, THANKS..
aku ader gak jmpe kengkwan bru.. xrmi la.. tp enough la for one week.. rmi2 nnty xigt nme.. hehe.. n starting monday (6th June 2011), the REAL uni life starts.. takot la.. seriously.. camne klu xjmpe klas n end up smpi lmbt.. giler ke.. no more oc's to guide me.. waaaa!! so scared laa.. hmmm.. wish me luck guys.. byee..
p/s : i always remember this "MMU CYBERJAYA use IPAD.. MMU melaka = ??, still; use pen and paper??" haha.. just think it's funny that's all.. xder niat pown nk attack melaka.. love every1!! :D
wolamak!UTP un awesome jgak laa!haha..senior dorang siap ajak g tgk wayang ag..haha..IPAD siot!kt sni internet cucuk dinding..hahaaha..
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nk jugak promote utp ko tuh.. haha.. sini ader wifi.. tp klu nk snang ccuk dinding ar.. :D
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