Sunday, June 12, 2011


duh... my friend.. rmi nyer yg slah paham.. yg psal ipad tuh.. bkan 1 MMU kne pakse pki ipad.. cmni citer dier.. kitaorg bwat live vid dgan mmu melaka.. then ader sorg OC ktaorg kluarkn ipad.. dorg tunjuk la kat kamera.. nk tayang kat mmu melaka yg ktaorg dh gne ipad, dorg still gne pen ngan ketas ke.. tuh je.. haih.. rmi ckp kate aku pki ipad.. xder mknenyer.. klu pki ipad mmg aku dok umah je la.. :D

klu korg xpham gak.. leh tros contact aku.. jgn pepandai bwat andaian n sebar citer xbtol yer.. trima kasih... peace!! btw, nih bkan nk mrah juz nk btolkn korg pnyer slah pham.. byee.. :-)

Sunday, June 5, 2011


DA BEST!!! TIP TOP!! AWESOME!!! rugi klu xpegi.. seriously.. u will remember it for the rest of your life.. drama plak.. padahal bru 2 ari orientation abes.. hehe.. :D but i'm not lying, orientation week ROCKS!! smue OC'S and DM'S best giler.. dorg smue senior but treat us like family.. klu kat luar an senior an cam like prasan hebat sket.. dorg x.. sape yg cakap xbest tuh mmg LIAR ar!! or mybe dorg register lmbt.. :) pape pown.. thanks to all the OC's and DM's for making it work.. i know u guys stayed up all night and slept for an hour a day.. really2 appreciate it.. again, THANKS..

aku ader gak jmpe kengkwan bru.. xrmi la.. tp enough la for one week.. rmi2 nnty xigt nme.. hehe.. n starting monday (6th June 2011), the REAL uni life starts.. takot la.. seriously.. camne klu xjmpe klas n end up smpi lmbt.. giler ke.. no more oc's to guide me.. waaaa!! so scared laa.. hmmm.. wish me luck guys.. byee..

p/s : i always remember this "MMU CYBERJAYA use IPAD.. MMU melaka = ??, still; use pen and paper??" haha.. just think it's funny that's all.. xder niat pown nk attack melaka.. love every1!! :D

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big Day

29/5/2011.. kne daftar kat mmu, cyberjaya.. going to miss evry1.. family, f'9, rabbit, friends.. len2 la.. bole ke aku tahan tggal kat sane?? just wait n see..

nervous giler la nk gi sane.. xder geng.. aku dh la jnis yg ssah nk panas.. dh lame2 bru ok.. aku nih jnis klu nervous mmg rase cam jantung nk meletop dh.. NERVOUS sgt!!!!!!! tlong!!

tomorrow - NEW DAY, NEW LIFE, NEW FRIENDS, NEW BEGINNING!! see ya when i get back.. bye kajang! hello cyberjaya!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


so, on 25 may 2010.. i'm officially not a staff at econsave anymore.. hmm.. abes dh.. dr 30/12/2010 - 25/5/2011 almost 5 month.. mlm tuh mmg dorg buli abes ar.. asek soh blanje nasi ulam je.. byk sgt la duit den.. staff2 yg kat frozen dept. jgan lupekn org ye!!!! org sntiase igt kat korg..

Rapat :-
Kak Anis : org 1st yg ktaorg jmpe kat tmbang.. dier byk ajr ktaorg.. dh mcm kakak.. ape2 hal smue ktaorg crik dier.. lepak2 un sesame..
Abg Jusoh : part time! aku pnggil dier jepun sbb mate sepet.. hehe.. dier baek, ske bwat lawak bodo.. tp tuh yg bwat ilang stress.. klu ader dier mmg xbosan ar..
Abg Farid : dier nih ske bercerita.. kngkdg tercerite cerite yg sme.. lpaskn je la.. dier nih un dh anggap cam abg.. gelak2 smue dgn die.. tp slalu aku n pika yg gelakkn loghat dier.. :D

Geng Timbang :-
Kak Seha : manja sgt.. kngkdg perangai cm bebudak..
Kak Dayani : sayang!! smue org dier pggil syang..
kak za n abg aris n Shahmi : bdak baru.. pepandai korg la.. :D

Len2 :-
Tmpt aym (emi, along, pak cik asri, arip) : korg mmg best.. sporting giler.. lawak un ader..
Tmpt sayur ( kak ani, yok, pak cik hasni) : k.ani - gossip girl.. yok - MONSTER.. :D pak cik hasni - kiter bako jer!! haha
Geng ikat sayur (cik nab, cik saadiah, cik ani, clarice) : cik nab - peninju.. cik saadiah - mak cik rock.. cik ani - short.. clarice - DARLING!!

Org Kuat :-
Kak Watie, Kak Amutha, Kak Maga, Giri..

yg dh benti (try refresh)..
Abg Wan, Piriya, Jassy, Kak Sha, Kak Leh, Abg Nizam, Paan, Wan, Chet (cuti), Bob, Kecik and others.. :D good luck kat luar sne..

until we meet again.. so long.. ;(

Sunday, May 22, 2011

all gone!!!

smlm pika last day kt econsave.. sedeyh giler dh xder geng.. tp aku beza 5 ari jer dgn pika.. pastu aku benti gak.. dier dh nk bragkat besok msok matrik!! goodluck sis!!

so, 8 out of 9 freakin'9 decided to go to matrik.. good decision guys!!

-Pika n Wani = MATRIK JOHOR!!!
-Bejah, Wana, Anis n Ili = MATRIK SELANGOR!!
- FAIRUZ = MMU CYBERJAYA!!!! (29th may!!)

since smue bdak matrik msok 23rd may.. i will be left alone!! sedih wehh.. we've been through so much together.. bertuah giler dpt kngkwan mcm dorg.. I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH!!! emotional sket.. :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hello and goodbye..

so, aku xdpat upu n matrik.. dapat form 6.. ader lg offer len tp i decided to go with MMU cyberjaya.. foundation in management.. setahun jer.. nervous giler nk masok situ.. ye ar.. xpenah pisah ngan family, xpnah dduk asrama an.. well, there's a first for everything right??.. skrg still keje lg.. xnk pikir sgt psal nih sbb nnty boleh kne panic attack! haha.. tetiber jer..

hmmm.. 25hb last day keje.. sedihhh giler.. ktaorg dh mcm family dh kat frozen department! go ECONSAVE BANGI!! haha.. slame 5bulan keje sbg tukang timbang.. rse best la.. byk suka duka, nangis, gelak, marah, jerit, belasah.. lol.. mse mule2 jer xbest sgt sbb kne hafal smue SKU2.. haih.. i will always remember u ols..
freakin'9 n kngkwan len, nnty mesty ssah nk jmpe korg.. ye ar.. memsing dh bwak haluan sndri.. but don't worry, aku akn sntiase bwat korg igt kat aku.. trust me.. :D love u guys! jgan delete no phone aku!! haha..

so, goodbye FRIENDS hope to see u all again!!
and Hello MMU.. new life, new friends.. sesape yg masok MMU! jmpe kat sane eh!!!!!! :D

Sunday, April 3, 2011


hmmmmmmm.. that day turn out to be 1 of the worst day.. :(
the worst thing is, i cried in front of every1.. embarrassing.. wth.. smue tuh dh lpas.. life goes on.. i got only 6 credits.. all science subjek, HANCOR!!!!!.. niceeee laaaa.. nk bwat cmne kan... haihhhh.. since then, aku dh xkesah sgt psal result.. aku pikir ape nk bwat pasni..

igt nk amek SC computer but since i hate the word SCIENCE so baddd, xjdik laaaa.. lol.. no laa.. memule mmg nk amek tuh or business IT.. after talked to my parents, saye FAIRUZ DIYANA ZULKIFLI, memilihhhh business IT.. yeahhh!!! tp tuh pown klu dpt la.. result trok kan.. mne bole ske2 pilih jer.. huhu.. xper2.. esk nk gi mines.. nk tgk smue course yg aku bole amek.. spe nk ikowt esk, jom ar!!!! :D

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


besok mgkin jdik the BEST or the WORST day of my life.. SPM!!!! knape ko bwat aku cmni??!! igt skola dh abes, the cuakness dh ilang.. dtg blik!!! waaaaa.. scaryyyy.. utk elakkn lebeyh byk pressure, aku xbg mak n ayh aku ikowt!! hahaha.. :D

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fudhail Hakimi..

Fudhail is good looking, always speak his mind and smart.. we don't like each other, we fight A LOT, he is not my best friend but he still my friend.. he sit in front of me in class, at first, i hate it but at days goes by, i get used to it..
he's gone now.. i lost my friend.. he died 3 days ago.. it broke my heart to know that his gone..

i will always remember u fudhail.. rest in peace.. takziah to fudhail's family.. al-fatihah..

p/s : the reason i wrote this in English because fudhail loves to speak in english when in class..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


yeahhh!!!! biler dpt gaji.. abes smue org aku soh blanje, bkannyer aku blanje org.. hehe..

1st abg jusoh blanje ais krim!! aku bli 4 woahh.. dier byar jer.. :D
2nd aku igt nk blanje pika roti canai.. tetiber pak cik hasni dtg.. dier pown byar la ktaorg pnyer..

BEST btoll laaa.. nih yg bwat aku smgt nk keje nih.. hahaha.. pasni aku knekn org len plakkk.. yeah2..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baek xpayahhhh..

semnjak tukar part time nih.. (5hari lpas).. dorg asik soh wt full jer.. biler ader xdihargai, biler xder dicari-cari... haih.. pape laaa.. nseb bek aku nih baek.. dorg minx aku tlong jer laaa.. pasni xder mknenyer.. mmg duit masyukk.. bdan sme jer pnat..

btw, geng.. klu nk crik aku kat econsave, dtg mlm eh.. sbb skrg dh xder pg.. part timeee la katekn.. :D

Friday, March 4, 2011


wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... sudah skian lama ya gue enggak meng-update ini blogggg.. sgt2 la bz.. ok2.. recent update :
~new job.. tukang timbang at econsave bangi
~dh dpt 2kli gaji!!! :D
~ dr full time tukar part time
~camera baru!!

that's it i guess.. xder bnde len.. kje2!!!! biler cuti, jln2 dgn pika n len2.. dh gi mines aritu dgn shera, ili, pika.. then smlm pegi alamanda dgn wana, ili, shera, pika, bejah... about that.. something happens.. hanya kami dan parents kami jer yg tau hal tuh.. kan2?? haha.. haihh..
ok.. byeeeeee... tggu la lg stahun dua utk next post eh.. hehe.. :D